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The intelligence your team needs

Belbin is the gold standard team tool, used by organisations worldwide to develop high-performing teams.

Find your fit

We know that a successful team needs access to all nine Belbin Team Roles, the nine distinct clusters of behaviour that were identified during the seminal research carried out by Dr Meredith Belbin and his team, over many years at Henley Management College in the UK.

But which of these behaviours does each team member have as a strength? Where can you best use them? Where are their weaknesses?  What other talents might they be able to develop for the good of the team?

Introducing the Belbin reports. From Individual to Team, Working Relationships to Jobs.


Belbin Individual report

The Belbin Individual report analyses an individual’s contributions in terms of the nine Belbin Team Roles, offering advice and guidance on how they might work best, announce their preferences to others and cultivate latent talents.


More about Individual reports

Customers include:

Belbin Team report

The Belbin Team report assesses how a group of individuals will work together as a team, detailing who can take on which role within the team, and where there may be gaps or overlaps in behavioural contributions.


More about Team reports

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Belbin Working Relationship report

The Belbin Working Relationship report identifies key differences in behavioural tendencies between two people. It promotes productive partnerships and pinpoints potential areas of conflict.


More about Working Relationship reports

Belbin Job report

The Belbin Job report defines a specific job in terms of Belbin Team Roles. This report is created when a manager or recruiter completes the Job Requirements Inventory, a special questionnaire designed to find the most important aspects of a job.


More about Job reports

Belbin Job Comparison report

The Belbin Job Comparison report analyses the demands for a particular functional role alongside the attributes of an individual being considered for the job, to determine their suitability – perfect when recruiting or for assessment centres.


More about Job Comparison reports


If you are looking to use Belbin on a regular basis, and would like to use the full suite of Belbin reports, please get in touch and talk to a member of the Belbin team.

By understanding how you are planning to use the Belbin reports, we can give you useful advice and offer the most cost-effective options. 


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Belbin reports - the intelligence your team needs

Introducing the Belbin reports. From Individual to Team via Working Relationships. What insights can these reports give us and how can we use them to help our teams reach their objectives?


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