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Articles with the tag "Leadership"


Intellect and individual endeavour in Belbin's Apollo teams

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 26 Aug 2020

“Before we tinker with the team design, let’s verify the basic principles. In a business simulation exercise that places an emphasis on cleverness, the cleverest teams should win.” Aka the Apollo Team


The art of leadership - and why hierarchy isn't always king

by Mike Lynch | Smartt Strategies, 06 Nov 2019

Did you conjure an image of a mighty leader draped in finery, sitting high on a throne, towering over his subjects or a chairman sitting at the head of a long table, barking orders and gesturing…


The future of work - challenges, conversation and food for thought

by The Belbin Team, 20 May 2019

The future of work is a huge topic for people in the workplace - but it's also something of a hot potato because there are so many topics, challenges and talking points for consideration...


In a leader’s world, let's champion the manager

by The Belbin Team | Victoria Brown, 07 Feb 2018

There’s a new and worrying trend in our industry – the denigration of “management” in favour of “leadership”. Comparisons of the two like to contrast...


The Case for Teams

by The Belbin Team, 26 Jan 2017

The success of an organisation is linked to the success of its teams. Make 2017 the year of the team.


There's much more to Belbin than team building

by The Belbin Team | Barrie Watson, 07 Nov 2016

For my part, one of my missions - in fact almost an obsession - is to use Belbin to get managers managing people more effectively and it is with this in mind that I would like to share the following:


Managers - are they really that terrible?

by The Belbin Team , 07 Jul 2016

Why are managers getting such a bad rap? Surely there must be something that can be done to help managers manage, rather than write them off?