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As a manager, you make important decisions every day.

Research shows that leaders who identify (and play to) their strengths and embrace their weaknesses are more effective.

When it comes to Belbin, there isn't a 'one size fits all' approach to management. Instead, it's crucial to find a management style that aligns with your strengths and which you can cultivate to manage most effectively.

1. Play to your strengths

Learning to manage yourself effectively (and play to your strongest suit) is a prerequisite to managing others well.

2. Find out how others see you

Sometimes our own self-perception can be inaccurate or distorted by previous roles, misconceptions and aspirations. To foster good relationships with others, we need to understand the strengths they see, as well as the shortcomings. This is the strong foundation from which to develop your authentic leadership style.

3. Don’t confuse managing a business with managing people

Some talented business managers can struggle when it comes to managing people. Equally, some excellent people managers know little about managing process. If you are strong in one area, make sure you have a good ally in an adjacent field. Finding and working with people who demonstrate the skills you lack can save a lot of wasted energy.

4. Don’t paint a sinking ship

Organisations with holes in their operating systems are bound to flounder. Concentrate on creating an improved structure of management and leave the finer details for later. A seaworthy ship rather than a smart ship is easier to steer in the right direction.

5. Prioritise good strategy over operational efficiency

It is preferable to do the right things inefficiently rather than the wrong things well. Complex operations only work effectively with the provision of adequate thinking time. So thinking should come before action.

6. It is better to appoint at leisure than to sack in haste or to live with a mistaken appointment

Taking meticulous care when making appointments is seldom a waste of time. A rushed decision taken in ten minutes can lead to several years of regret.

7. Endeavour to find the right peg for the right hole

Those who fail in one job may well succeed in another, if the correct appointment is made. Experience with the Belbin Job Requirement Exercise bears out the adage that there are “horses for courses.”

8. Take an interest in all jobs

All jobs deserve managerial attention. People appreciate praise, and will accept criticism if it is focused on the task rather than the person.

9. Don’t interfere too much

Managing is about delegation. Give someone autonomy over, as well as responsibility for, a job. Interfering and micro-management can diminish the desire to assume further responsibilities.

10. Articulate your management style

Once you have established your strengths and weaknesses, announce to your team what you think you can contribute and what you expect from others. This helps to manage expectations and can help others manage their relationship with you.

To find out your strengths and weaknesses why not complete a Belbin questionnaire and get others to comment too?