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Hybrid working - understanding the impact on teams and engagement

Results of our latest research indicate that organisations may be overlooking the impact of remote and hybrid working on team engagement and organisational culture.

The findings indicate that a successful hybrid working strategy must have team engagement at its centre, along with individual performance and engagement.

This is the first study of this kind linking findings on remote and hybrid working to Belbin Team Roles. Such an approach keeps team cohesion and engagement at the core, whilst promoting individual strengths in a way that benefits the individual and the team in unison.










The changing landscape for remote working

During lockdowns workers were being encouraged to work from home where possible and hybrid working was not prevalent. Now, as employers increasingly want a move back to office based working, there is a schism between employer and employee needs and objectives.

In this study, we build on our 2020 findings and discover how remote and hybrid working has affected not just individual effectiveness and productivity, but also team engagement and connection to organisational culture.

This research explores the impact of remote working for businesses across core aspects including:

  • Organisational culture
  • Communication
  • New and established teams
  • Productivity, engagement and organisational culture
  • Effectiveness, engagement and culture by Team Role



Belbin Remote and Hybrid Working Survey: the results

Download your free copy of the results from the research to help inform your approach to developing effective hybrid working strategies.




Get in touch

The Belbin Team are available to answer your questions or provide guidance and advice as to how you can use Belbin with your remote and hybrid teams.

No AI bots, instead real people who can answer your questions about Belbin Team Roles.

Call us during office hours, leave us a voicemail or e-mail '[email protected]'. 

Watch the webinar

Author of the research, Victoria Brown, Head of R&D at Belbin, explored the findings and discussed what they mean for businesses in a live webinar.

You can watch the recording here. 

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