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It starts with the Belbin Individual report

The Belbin Individual report analyses someone's contributions in terms of the nine Belbin Team Roles.

It offers advice and guidance on how they might work best, announce their preferences to others and cultivate latent talents.

Identifying our behavioural styles is the first step towards increasing self-understanding and building more effective working practices.

Each individual needs to understand their key strengths and how to articulate how they prefer to work. This increases employee engagement, allows managers to allocate work more effectively and builds mutually beneficial working relationships with colleagues.

What are the Belbin Individual reports?

When an individual completes the Belbin questionnaire, called the Belbin Self-Perception Inventory (SPI), it generates a 7-page Belbin Individual report which not only gives information on the individual's Team Role profile, but offers advice and insight on how to make their best contribution to the team and workplace.

An 11-page Individual report is generated once feedback is received from a minimum of 4 people who have worked with the individual for at least 3-months. We call these Observer Assessments.

What will a Belbin Individual report provide?

A Belbin Individual report offers personalised advice and guidance, designed to help individuals:

  • Identify and promote their behavioural strengths
  • Gain an understanding of how others see and value their behaviour
  • Consider how they might best present themselves 
  • Form more productive working relationships with their managers and colleagues
  • Understand how they can make their best contribution when working with others
  • Harness and maximise their strengths for the benefit of the team
  • Know when they should delegate work, and who they should work with to produce positive business results
Download a sample Individual report

Organisations who use the Belbin Individual reports include...

What does a Belbin Individual report look like?

On completion of the Self-Perception Inventory, you will receive a 7-page Belbin report.

Once you receive feedback from a minimum of 4 Observers, you will receive an updated 11-page Belbin report (all at no extra charge).


How can I get a Belbin Individual report for myself?

A Belbin Individual report will identify which combination of the nine Belbin Team Roles you exhibit.

Cost: £46.80

The process is simple:

  • Fill in an online questionnaire called the Self-Perception Inventory. It takes around 20 minutes to complete.
  • Within minutes, you’ll receive your Belbin Individual report. This shows your combination of Team Role preferences, based on your own view, and is full of personalised guidance and advice.
  • To gain a fuller picture of how you contribute and interact with others, you can ask up to six other people to share their observations of you via a quick five-minute questionnaire called the Observer Assessment.
  • Once you have received at least four Observer Assessments, your report will be upgraded free of charge to a full Individual report, which will compare and contrast your own views with how others see you.


Purchase here

How can I get Belbin Individual reports for my team?

By setting up a Belbin online account, you can control the process.

You set up an account that allows you to:

  • Specify how many people you would like to 'Belbin'
  • How many Observer Assessments you would like each person to collect
  • Where the generated Belbin Individual reports should be sent
  • Access the full range of Belbin reports (e.g. Team reports, Job reports)
  • Upload a company logo to include on the cover page of reports
  • Control the permissions - who has access to the reports


This depends on how many people are in your team! You will never pay more than £46.80 per Individual report, but you could pay much less.



More about the online platform and costs

How do I use the reports throughout my organisation?

The ideal starting point is to plan ahead.

  • How many Individual reports?
  • How many Team reports?
  • Will you be using the Job report and Job Comparison reports?

Once you have an idea of your usage over the next 12 - 24 months, please get in touch. We use a credit based model, with each report using a set amount of credits.

  • An Individual report: 10 credits
  • A Team report: 20 credits
  • A Job report: 20 credits
  • A Job Comparison report: 5 credits per comparison


Find out more

How much do the credits cost?

First of all, there is no time limit on use. Secondly, once you purchase the credits, you decide which reports to 'spend' them on. 

  • Level one: 1 - 499 credits cost: £4.68 each
  • Level two: 500 - 999 credits cost: £3.96 each
  • Level three: 1000 - 1999 credits: £3.36 each
  • Level four: 2000 - 4999 credits: £2.76 each
  • Level five: 5000 credits: Contact us.

If you are Belbin Accredited, you receive a discount on the prices above.

All prices quoted include VAT.

Find out more about the online platform and costs

Please get in touch

We want to help you find the right solution for you, your teams, departments and organisations.

We're sure you have plenty of questions. Let us help. Fill in the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.

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Fill in your details and we'll arrange an online meeting to show you around the Belbin platform.