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Discover your Belbin Team Role strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to use them in the workplace.

A Belbin Individual report identifies your Team Role combination, explaining how you can best contribute to a team. It offers personalised advice and guidance on how to use your Team Role strengths in the workplace and cultivate hidden talents. The report costs just £39 + VAT

The process is simple.

  • You fill in an online questionnaire (the Self-Perception Inventory). It takes around 20 minutes to complete.
  • Within minutes, you'll receive your Belbin Individual report. This shows your combination of Team Role preferences, based on your own view, and is full of personalised guidance and advice.
  • To gain a fuller picture of how you contribute and interact with others, you can ask six other people to share their observations of you via a quick five-minute questionnaire. (We call these Observer Assessments, and they’re free when you purchase your report.)
  • Once you have received at least four Observer Assessments, your report will be upgraded free of charge to a full Individual report, which will compare and contrast your own views with how others see you.


Purchase your Belbin report here.

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How can Belbin Team Roles help me?

Identifying our key strengths is the first step towards enhancing self-understanding and working smarter. Armed with this knowledge, you can better understand how and when to make the most effective contribution to your team.

Your Belbin Team Roles may change over time

Belbin Team Roles are a measure of behaviour, not personality – what we do, not who we are. As as result, your Belbin Team Roles may change over time, as you adapt your behaviour to your working environment, your experiences, or the teams that you're working with. We recommend that you update your Belbin Report every 2-3 years.

Feedback from others

Observer Assessments are integral to the Belbin process, because they can provide behavioural evidence to corroborate – or contrast with – your Self-Perception.

Observer Assessments provide greater accuracy and validity – a behavioural 'reality check'.

They offer a real learning opportunity, help to identify discrepancies or conflicts, and provide a useful discussion starter for personal development.

Who should I choose as an Observer?

You should choose someone:

  • You work with regularly – not a family member or a friend.
  • You've worked with for at least three months – after all, it can take a while to see the real you.
  • Who will be honest with their feedback – who will feed back both the positives and negatives – we all have them!

To ensure the feedback in your report is balanced, you'll need a minimum of four Observers. Six is ideal.

Purchase your Belbin report here.

We use Stripe as a payment partner.



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If you are looking to use Belbin for your team, organisation, university class or as part of your consultancy tool kit, please fill in the form below, and we will get in touch!

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