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Take a look at our articles or search by a particular resource type or area of interest. Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch.
Our primitive fight-or-flight response can be triggered by situations with difficult co-workers. Can we overcome this by fostering psychologically safety to encourage 'constructive conflict' at work?
People are leaving ‘bad managers’ in droves, citing poor relationships with seniors and toxic workplace cultures. Why is this phenomenon so common? What do we really need from managers?
"Many or most of your managers are quiet quitting too," say Gallup. They're stressed and overworked as well. And "they are waiting for the tools to build great teams."
The debate around remote and hybrid work looks set to rage on indefinitely. How can you use your knowledge of your Belbin strengths to work more effectively within a remote or hybrid model?
There’s a crucial difference between breaking the rules recklessly and in defiance of authority, and listening to independent thinkers who can help ensure the long-term success of the organisation.
A diverse and flexible team builds individual and team resilience. For this to work, we need to understand the resources available to them and to be able to call on those resources effectively.
With a member of the Belbin team gearing up for their first charity skydive, it got us thinking about how different Team Roles might approach a skydive.
We analysed the Team Role profiles of growing SMEs and our findings offer insights into the behaviours needed throughout the life cycle of a successful start-up.
Aligning listening styles and Belbin Team Roles isn’t an exact science, but we’ve provided some ideas and pointers. Read more here.
The Belbin scheme is relevant and meaningful to the undergraduate group projects and a useful tool to guide students towards their future employability.
Sales teams are instrumental in establishing successful strategic relationships. Belbin Team Roles can help make them more effective.
Hybrid working models present additional challenges for managers. Here are our top tips for managing virtual teams using Belbin Team Roles.