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Team size - getting it right

What is the ideal team size? When does a team become a group? How should teams handle decision-making? We take a look at Meredith Belbin's views on team size.

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Is Zoom killing team innovation?

New research published in Nature journal suggests virtual communication has an adverse impact on creativity. What does this mean in Team Role terms?

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Case Study

Case Study: Belbin and Novo Nordisk

Multinational pharmaceutical, Novo Nordisk, uses Belbin to connect their leadership program seamlessly to real team and business issues.

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Case Study

Case Study: Belbin and Self-Awareness

A senior executive attending a Belbin workshop rediscovered her ambition and devised a personal development strategy to realise it.

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Case Study

Case Study: Belbin and GroupM

GroupM used Belbin to win new business by unlocking the team’s behavioural diversity and improving collaboration.

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5 Tips for Leadership in Uncertain Times

How can we, as leaders, best serve our teams? How do we chart the way forward and adapt our leadership to meet the moment, when the only certainty seems to be more uncertainty?

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How to tackle burnout with Belbin

Burnout is a work-related phenomenon and the language of Belbin Team Roles can help alleviate it by enabling managers to detect the symptoms and ask the right questions.

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Why teamwork isn't always the answer

Do you work with people who are sceptical about teamwork? Perhaps they’ve had negative past experiences.Team members who left them to do all the work and then took the credit.

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Done Belbin? Your work is just beginning.

Your Belbin Team Roles can change over time. Find out how to compare reports and formulate strategies to play to your strengths.

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Belbin Team Role communication styles

When you ask teams what is needed for success, ‘communication skills’ is a common response. We all know that good communication with others is key to engagement and performance, and it’s shown to…

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How to improve teamwork skills: 5 simple tricks

We all understand the importance of teamwork in the workplace and the value of good communication. Here are 5 simple tricks to making yourself a more effective team player

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Belbin and the Johari Window Model

Discover how to identify hidden strengths and 'blind spots' using the Johari Window model and Belbin methodology in combination.

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